If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please contact your doctor or call 911 immediately.
Our friendly, US-based support team is happy to help you by phone, email, or mobile chat. If you have an urgent clinical need, calling 855–745–5725 is usually the fastest way to reach us.
Daytime phone support
Our normal business hours are Monday to Friday 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM ET and Saturday and Sunday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM ET.
Evening phone support
After normal business hours, a voicemail system is available for customers. Please leave a message, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Pharmacists are available 24/7 and will return urgent calls within 30 minutes.
Email and chat
You can reach us via email or through chat once you log into my.pillpack.com.
Note: Chat is no longer available in our iOS app. Your conversation history and transcripts may only be visible to our customer care team.