Please contact us if you'd like to cancel your account. We'll be very sad to see you go, but happy to help make sure you have a smooth transition to a new pharmacy.
Transferring your prescriptions
Please have your new pharmacy call us at 855-745-5725, ext. 4 to transfer any remaining refills.
Settling your bill
If you have an unpaid balance, we'll charge your card for any last copays or send you a final bill.
Please note: If any orders have shipped before you cancel your account, we won't be able to recall them. You will be charged your regular copay costs for those meds.
Canceling for a loved one
If you need to cancel service on behalf of someone else, you'll need to answer a few questions first to verify their identity and relationship to you.
Reopening a closed account
After canceling your account, you're welcome back anytime. Please contact us and we'll be happy to get you started again.